Friday, May 29 (29th of May 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

Breakfasted in the garden, then took Lusch* for her examination. In the afternoon undertook with the dean the arrangements for confession, during which R. comes upon me, much to his amusement. Very sultry weather. Pleasure in the house and garden, in the evening a walk with R., feeling once again shut off from the world.

Only the animals cause us sorrow, we heard a poor cock screeching as it was slaughtered, and we could not get over it. R. is working again, but with difficulty, it always wears him out, trying to weave his way back into it. Our good Parson Tschudi has now also died!

*Cosima’s eldest daughter Daniela (Lusch), born 12. Oktober 1860. 

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