Monday, July 6 (6th of July 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

R. wanted to start today on the 3rd act of Götterdammerung, but all sorts of things cropped up, and it is not so easy to get back into the thread. I go with Lusch to see the former governess of the Grand Duchess of Oldenburg regarding Italian lessons, which she gives. 

In the afternoon great concern over our little dog, Putz, whom some fierce animal seems to have bitten. Besides that, lessons for Lusch, who proves very attentive. Gynanastic class. 

In the evening the musicians—R. is sad at not having better supports: “I made music better with Bülow and Schnorr!” — The harpist*, from the theater in Pest* is here on a visit, and R. discusses many things with him—what needs to be altered in Rheingold, Walküre, etc.—since R. is not familiar with the technique of this instrument. This very mannerly person is full of praise for Richter’s direction of the theater and the way it is flourishing under him.

* Peter Dubez

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