Monday, September 7 (7th of September 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

The whole day, from morning to evening,  devoted to our friend [Marie Schleinitz]. In the morning I was alarmed by a sudden red flush on Fidi’s skin, but to our great joy it turns out to be nothing. 

We take our friend, who is extraordinarily pretty and interesting in her appearance, to see the theater—it is very doubtful whether the Crown Prince will come to the performances when they materialize!! 

In the evening the Rhinemaidens and Norns’ scene from Götterdämmerung. — Surprised at midday by the painter Krauße, who brings with him the whole completed cartoon for the sgraffito on the front of our house. 

A matter of great alarm for me— only the day before I had discussed with R. how fortunate it was that Herr Krauße, from whom we had heard nothing for a whole year, seemed to have forgotten us! —

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