Wednesday, September 23 (23rd of September 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

R. again had a very bad night; the barber gave him coal-tar packs, and these irritate him; he does not work, and we visit the kindergarten, considering whether perhaps to send Friedel [Fidi] there; but we cannot bring ourselves to like it, and come to the conclusion that, excellent institution though it may be, it is only suitable for children of the people in large cities. 

Long letter from Herr Ullmann, setting out for the King’s benefit all kinds of matters regarding the virtuosos in London, and giving advice on how to achieve an understanding with the press; finally, concerning Frau Nilsson, whom he himself proposed, he says that she would probably not be able to take part in the Bayreuth performances because of the vengeful feelings of the French, etc. 

Letter from Frau Betty Schott, saying she herself is too unwell to come, but her manager would represent her, which makes R. very glad. The financial situation does not seem at the moment to be very favorable—notice that my small savings have been used up and have proved insufficient, and also our living costs are very high. — 

Sent the children to the Fantasie while I deal with correspondence, later with R. to meet them. In the evening began Xenophon’s Anabasis. Lovely moonlight, wandered with R. in the garden before parting for the night.

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