Thursday, October 8 (8th of October 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

I have to be at the mayor’s at 9 o’clock to ask him to exert what pressure he can on the troublesome painter in order to induce him at least to beat an honorable retreat. 

The mayor tells me that at the conference R. had shown admirable moderation and integrity, and it had been a sublime moment when he told Herr Hoffmann that, if he could not win over and inspire the people who had to work under him, as he himself managed to do when he was dealing with his singers, then he was in no position to carry out the task entrusted to him. 

Herr Gross told me of the bad impression Herr Hoffmann’s behavior had made on him and all the others. — R. very tired, he had a bad night, and on top of that he is much tormented by eczema on two fingers, which makes him very irritable. 

The news of the Queen Mother’s conversion to Catholicism and the imprisonment of Count Harry Arnim naturally enough form the main topics of conversation.

In the evening Anabasis, to help us recover from all life’s muddles.

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