Tuesday, October 13 (13th of October 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

Making all sorts of provisions for my departure, letters, etc. R. works, at 1 o’clock arrival of our friend Gersdorff, who spends the rest of the day at Wahnfried. In the evening Bach preludes.

— Many things discussed, a new gun with an unrestricted range has again been invented, the Emperor is reported, however, to have shaken his head at the last maneuvers; the fact that for health reasons he was unable to take part in them during the past two years seems to have had a deleterious effect. 

Steinmetz’s errors, of which nothing is said in the official account of the general staff, make a very bad impression. Also there seems to be a shortage of good officers in Prussia at the moment, and many officers amuse themselves by dancing the cancan! . . . 

Schott’s is behaving well, agreeing to R.’s demands.

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