Dress rehearsal from 9½ o’clock until 12. It goes splendidly. In the evening at 7 o’clock, the concert. An incomparable reception, seemingly unending greeting of R. Crowns of laurels with beautiful inscriptions: “The Savior of German Art,” “The Master of Humour,” “The Creator of the Meistersinger,” “The Expert and Reviver of the Old Legends,” “The Reformer,” “The Sublime Master,” “The Dramatic Poet,” “The Greatest Master,” and so forth. R. had to address a few words to the audience, thanking the splendid public of Vienna, who had once more followed him and embraced fragments that were so difficult for the imagination to grasp. Called back once again, he introduced Materna and said that he left Vienna a pledge in the person of this excellent artist. The good Glatz, on the other hand, fell entirely flat.
Revised English translation by Jo Cousins.