Monday, the 8th (March 8, 1875)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

At last a good, peaceful night for R.; distressing news from home which forces me into writing letters. Took a walk with R. in rough weather; visited Father, a strangely melancholic impression! — In the evening, dinner at the Casino, with two Counts Apponyi,[1] a Herr von Husar, a member of Parliament, and Mihalovich[2]. Following that, music at Richter’s. “The Lullaby in the Grave” for Marie Muchanoff was played by Father. A deep stirring of memories. 

[1] Count Albert von Apponyi (1846-1933), Hungarian statesman, member of Parliament in Vienna since 1872, an important speaker, leader of the moderate national opposition in 1878, and head of Hungary’s peace delegation at Trianon in 1920; Count Georg von Apponyi (1808-1899), Hungarian politician, Hofkanzler from 1846-48, and member of the Hungarian Parliament in 1865; both were friends of Liszt.

[2] Edmund von Mihalovich (1842-1929), Hungarian composer and student of Hans von Bülow.

Revised English translation by Jo Cousins.

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