Category: Cosima Wagner Diaries
R. once again dreamed of disgraceful treatment, even of the prison to which he was taken; probably prompted by the discussions that we had concerning the strange verdict recently passed here (a robber, murderer, etc., was only sentenced to several years in prison). R. is strongly opposed to the jury…
View moreR. was once again wildly dreaming of the disgraceful manner in which the late King of Prussia had treated him regarding a remark made by R. about Prussia, of which I was a witness. – Richard’s “dream king” is probably Frederick William IV (1795 – 1861), who was critically perceived…
View moreBeautiful winter weather, the children in church and on the ice, I am occupied making provisions for the journey. In the evening read “Nathan the Wise” to the children and later guests. E-flat major Quartet and E major Sonata. Traduzione in italiano di Claudia Bilotti [© Claudia Bilotti | WAGNER…
View moreR. has to work on the “Album Leaf” for Mrs Schott. Several singers respond to the circular, and very kindly. R. is still very unwell; the rash on his three fingers torments him greatly. Read Gfrörer in the evening. Mr Glatz still unwell, little hope for Siegfried! … In the…
View moreR. saddened by the hopelessness of Glatz! “I must have savages,” says R., “not cultivated barbarians.” I write to Baron Normann to inquire about a tenor, Mr Schwab, who recommended himself. – I'm now reading "Nathan the Wise" with the children and I am again deeply moved by much of…
View moreR. not very well, Mr Glatz also unwell, no studies, although there were discussions, and indeed not pleasant ones; it is important to prove to the good man that he has learned nothing and will learn nothing from Mrs Richter! R. and I are very melancholy that probably one hope…
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