Category: December 1874
Bonichen unwell. R. works out his endings and writes letters. Some calls in the evening and Beethoven’s Opus 109 and 110.
View moreR. dreamed that he had another son, a little lad one year old with fair, curly hair, and R. was delighted with the way he was flourishing and how he could already look him straight in the eye. “This comes from the jumping,” R. says, for yesterday the children were…
View moreThe day of Daniel’s death. Visits with and without R., family dinner at the Feustels’. Visit from two architects from Prague, who have been sent to inquire from R. how to construct a concert hall. — Letter from Marie Schl.: the sale in Berlin has brought in 10,000 thalers. —…
View moreIn the morning errands with Fidi, who believes he saw the Christkind. — Great concern on account of my two elder daughters, particularly Lusch. — Dismal acknowledgment of the powerlessness of education in the face of character. — We talk a lot about Bismarck’s manner; at a grand soiree which…
View moreVisit from the old Baroness Aufsess, the widow of Baron Hans v. Aufsess, who was choked to death by a German professor and a German official. R. remarks on this occasion how unimportant it is whether a face is beautiful or ugly; how much one enjoys looking into the by…
View moreWorked with Loldchen while Herr Sauter, the photographer and painter, was making a drawing of the salon and hall below for the King. R. is greatly annoyed at a telegram from the secretary of the Viennese Academic Society, who reports that R. is giving a concert in Vienna on the…
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