R. once again dreamed of disgraceful treatment, even of the prison to which he was taken; probably prompted by the discussions that we had concerning the strange verdict recently passed here (a robber, murderer, etc., was only sentenced to several years in prison). R. is strongly opposed to the jury court; and experience teaches that no one improves in prison. – In the second dream, R. saw me dancing the Mazurka. –
R. is somewhat better, though very tormented by the rash on his fingers. – News of a great success for Hans in Edinburgh as conductor and as virtuoso.
In the evening, Mr. Glatz, who has once again rekindled some hope in us. A letter from a pastry chef’s assistant causes much amusement.
R. very satisfied with Gfrörer. He quotes to me the answer of Christ to the question of whether He is the Messiah, “I have told you everything, why do you not believe me?” wistfully sublime.

Albumblatt for Betty Schott
On the same day, Richard sends the promised album sheet to his publisher Betty Schott and dedicates it to her with “the first musical inspiration that I have felt since the exhaustive performance of Götterdämmerung.”
Revised English translation by Jo Cousins.