Monday, July 13 (13th of July 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

Further study between R. and his singer. Family lunch with Herr Betz as guest.

In the evening, news of the assassination attempt on Bismarck. Great consternation. One can almost see it as a sign of good fortune—how a star shines over the German Empire. I remark to R. that the King’s greetings and his signs of friendship toward us always coincide with his gestures of friendliness toward Germany as a whole—as, for example, his granting of the credit with his telegram to Bismarck, and now his message of greetings with his resolve to drive out to meet the Emperor and to welcome him. — The evening passes in agitated discussions of the assassination attempt, after R. has visited Herr Betz, who is hoarse, in his hotel.

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