Monday, the 17th. (17th of August 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

Tidied up papers, dictated to Lulu a letter to her father. In the afternoon and in the morning R. works with Frl. Brandt[i] and the singer Kneiss[ii]. In the evening the former delighted us with her Waltraute, whose narration moves us all deeply. But the good lady does not seem best pleased at having to sing what she calls a “small” role. 

[i] Marianne Brandt (1841 – 1921), Alto, 1868 – 1886 at the Berliner Hofoper, sang Kundry in 1882.

[ii] Ludwig Kneiß (1830 – 1900), Sänger, from 1872 in München.

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