Saturday, July 25 (25th of July 1874) 

Cosima Wagner Diaries

Departure of Richter, the. children in mourning rags, tears and wailing, Rus as the funeral horse! — Recently Herr Hill, who lived for a long time in Frankfurt, told us about Schopenhauer—

how every day in the Englischer Hof he would put a gold coin on the table in front of him and at the conclusion of his meal would put it ‘back in his pocket; once, asked why he did this, he replied, “I have resolved to give this gold coin to a beggar the first time I hear the »patrons here talking about anything but girls and horses.” To the conductor Schmidt, who had actually been naive enough to ask him ‘what he thought of the afterlife, Schopenhauer had answered in Frankfurt dialect, “I believe we are being made fun of.” — In the evening began Pericles in the salon. 

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