In the morning, R. tells me about the strangely malicious traits he recently read in an autobiography of Felix Mendelssohn by Meinardus, how he had entertained himself and the other examiners with him by caricaturing the students performing before them, one of whom was deformed. —

Ludwig Siegfried Meinardus (1827-1896)
German composer, teacher at the conservatory in Dresden in 1865, Hamburg in 1874, created oratorios, chamber music and symphonies, wrote “A Youth’s Life”, 2 vols. 1874.
From Detroit in America, another godchild[1] — R. responds graciously, wishing the child a sincere faith. — At noon, we have Baroness Aufsess, Frau Muncker, and Professor Fries; in the evening, several other friends as well. A little too much for R.
[1]refers to the newspaper clipping mentioned in the footnote for December 17, 1874 from “Anzeiger des Westens”, City of St. Louis: Richard Wagner in Detroit – baptized. The landlord Wagner in Detroit, doubtless a former musician, recently had his youngest son baptized ‘non-denominational’. He brought the young cosmopolitan into the bar where the usual evening party was gathered and one of the regular guests, giving the young future horn player a sip of Rhine wine, gave the following speech: ‘We, this evening’s party, baptize you in the name of humanity. You shall prosper and become great and you shall learn arts and sciences without becoming a believer. You should also love women, wine and singing and also the beautiful sound of the horns. You should always demonstrate truth and justice and never bow to the almighty dollar. But you should become the greatest thing on earth as a musician and to strengthen yourself, drink a sip of Rhine wine, your name should be Richard Wagner. Amen!’
Revised English translation by Jo Cousins.