Sunday, August 23 (23rd of August 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

During the night R. woke up in tears, kissed me, and said he had just dreamed that I wished to leave him—both him and the children—there was nothing else I could do! Soon after he told me this, a letter comes from friend Klindworth, saying that Hans is seriously ill; I do not dare give in to the impression this makes on me. nor do I dare resist it, for fear of then hearing the worst. Serious talk with Daniella, her possible task in life. — 

Herr Niemann takes his leave. A Sunday in the garden. Continued reading Wallenstein with Lusch after a long interruption. In the evening, alone for once with R., finish “Pericles”. The recognition between father and daughter moves one to tears. 

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