Sunday, December 27th (27th of December 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

Gersdorff has sent me a splendid print taken from Moretto’s picture The Coronation of Mary in Brescia, one of the most moving creations that I know. I am very touched that friend Gersdorff should have thought of me when looking at this picture. R. goes for a walk with Fidi, who looks very nice in his new fur outfit, which R. designed for him. I stay at home and write to Prof. Overbeck about his book. 

In the evening the mayor, with whom I discuss the wretched affair (of the mason’s death) and consider what to do. 

Then Rubinstein plays us his arrangement of the Rhinemaidens’ scene, after which we hear some passages from the divine Meistersinger. R. also read the Rhinemaidens’ scene to us.—“Christianity leads us away from life, reconciles us with death—it has nothing to do with life.”

— (The King sends us an album of pictures in the Pinakothek.)

KrAnnunciation of Mary with Saints

Alessandro Bonvicino “Moretto” (1498-1554), Italy. Painter, Master of the School of Brescia.

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