Thursday, August 27 (27th of August 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

R. today somewhat better, I hope he will not  be upset! — 

Germany alone in its recognition of Spain, Russia resol utely refuses—God forbid a conflict! R. writes letters about the major concern, I give the children lessons. 

In the afternoon a coffee party at Frau Raila’s house! — But the evening belongs to us, and it begins with sad deliberations—shall I invite Hans to pay a visit to his children? — We then read the 2nd act of Edward III and, overcome by its great ness and beauty, forget all our pain in delight. Blessed be all great men who take us up on their wings! The voice of woe does not follow the mighty flight—as they themselves forgot, so we, too, forget with them. Who could thank them enough? — 

Splendid moonlight, I step out on the tower balcony and pray—will I be heard? . . . Great delight in Fidi’s appearance. — At lunch R. talks about Fallmerayer’s book.

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