Thursday, November 19 (19th November 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

We talk a lot more about music in the morning—R. goes to his work, I occupy myself with the children but am slightly interrupted by domestic concerns. In the evening Herr Rubinstein brings the pages of the score he has copied, and R. agrees with me that this strange man’s behavior toward R. is utterly extraordinary, since he has never in the least been encouraged to settle here.

— In the evening we read about Mars la Tour amid shudders, for it appears that a great deal of blood flowed unnecessarily. General Alvensleben, march on Toul, very interesting; also the very strange misunderstanding between Bazaine and the German general staff. He wanted simply to concentrate on Metz and allow the Germans to bleed to death, whereas they thought he wished to break through—

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