Tuesday 12th (January 12, 1875)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

R. is still unwell, scarcely able to do anything without breaking out in an intense sweat. The children are on the ice with me. — 

Much thought as to whether I should send the eldest to school when I am away travelling. Wrote to Mathilde Maier. —

Re-read a portion of Buckle’s “History of Civilization”, but R. finds it not to his taste and continues with Gfrörer. (Dress tried on under R.’s supervision.)

Buckle’s History of Civilisation

Henry Thomas Buckle (1821-62), the English historian, originally intended his work to cover the whole of Europe, but it ended up restricted to England; the 2 vols. appeared in 1857 and 1861.

Revised English translation by Jo Cousins.

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