Tuesday, September 29[i] (29th of September 1874)

R. still on his letter; at lunch Prof. Schulze, Herr Mazière, manager of Schott’s, here to revise the agreement (not yet achieved), and our sgraffito artist. In the afternoon I have much correspondence to deal with, enthusiastic students, etc. In the evening music, Strauss waltzes, kindly sent to us from Pest by the publisher Rozsavolgyi[ii] and played to us by Herr Rubinstein, to our great enjoyment. 

Letter from my father: Princess Wittgenstein[iii] is very seriously ill in Rome. Friend Feustel has seen Councilor Düfflipp in Munich and found him in an extremely bad mood. If another demand were made regarding the theater, he would strenuously resist it! Feustel told us in the morning that money is very short. R. is thinking of giving a concert in Pest. 

Great unpleasantnesses with the painters Bruckner and Hoffmann, God knows how they will be settled.

[i] Wrongly dated “28th” by Cosima; From here onwards the handwriting is incorrect up to and including October 4th.

[ii] Rózsavölgyi & Comp., hungarian publishers.

[iii] Carolyne Elisabeth Princess of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg-Ludwigsburg (1819 – 1887), Ukrainian-Polish noblewoman and partner of Franz Liszt.

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