Tuesday, September 8 (8th of September 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

Early in the morning to our friend, who then goes to fetch her husband[i] in Neumarkt. Spent the whole afternoon very pleasantly together; the minister, just come from the confirmation of the Crown Prince’s son, tells us of the Prince’s admirable profession of faith. But he confirms that the Prince’s left arm is crippled[ii]. Visit to the theater. — 

Concern over Lusch’s health, the beginnings of puberty. — R. again dreamed that he was on intimate terms with Bismarck and that, when he addressed him as “Your Excellency,” Bismarck replied, “Say, rather, ‘Your Majesty.’ ”

[i] Alexander von Schleinitz (1807 – 1885), first husband of Marie von Schleinitz and at that time Minister of the Royal House.

[ii] The son of the Crown Prince (of the later 99-day Emperor Friedrich III) is Friedrich Wilhelm, later Wilhelm II (1859 – 1941), who suffered paralysis of his left arm at birth.

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