Wednesday, 24th (24th February 1875)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

First rehearsal – the incredible negligence of Richter (he did not send the tubas, and the promised tubists will not come![1]) causes much distress. Nevertheless, since the orchestra reads well from the parts, the impression is overwhelming. Everything previously known fades; like the most powerful force in nature, the music sweeps over me—not passing by, but embedding itself forever.

R. is not too tired after the rehearsal; he lies down to rest and is completely refreshed at dinner. Very lovely letters from the four children. In the evening, a small gathering at Marie Dönhoff’s, where I made the acquaintance of the charming and beautiful Countess Andrássy[2], as well as Countess Festetics[3], ladies-in-waiting to the Empress.

[1]In a letter to Richter from January 1875, Richard announced that he had ordered tubes in Munich, which he sent directly to Richter in Pest. He then asked the experienced tubists from Pest to also perform in the concert in Vienna (it had been agreed that Richter would lead all the rehearsals, and Richard would only conduct the final rehearsal and the concert). In addition to the instruments, Richard had also announced harp parts.

[2] Wife of the Austrian Foreign Minister, Count Julius (or Gyula) A. (1823–1890).

[3] Marie Countess Festetic (born 1839), lady-in-waiting to Empress Elisabeth of Austria since 1870.

Revised English translation by Jo Cousins.

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