Wednesday 27th (January 27, 1875)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

Richter’s wedding day! – 

In the morning R. says to me: “I am ever more convinced of the truth of Voltaire’s words, that religion cannot be absurd enough for the common people, and that Christianity cannot be separated from its Jewish foundation. The Father in heaven belongs to this idea, and a religion must remain naive, childlike simplicity; the good Lord, who has made everything good, even if we do not understand it, is the only consolation, the only guide to resignation for the common man. Of course, if faith is shaken, it cannot be restored.”

R. studies with Mr Glatz, after which we pay a visit together. Following dinner, the three oldest children on the ice, R. with Evchen goes to Rollwenzel, I with Fidi to the theater, everything without preparation! The theater makes a great impression on me. – 

The Rollwenzelei at Königsallee 84 

is no longer an inn but houses the “Jean Paul Stube”, which can be visited.

➝ Jean Paul Stube, Rollwenzelei (German)

In the evening a symphony by Haydn, then I ask for something from “Tristan”, and we start with the vision of Tristan, continuing until the end. Inexpressible impression, especially today from Isolde’s cries of pain immediately after Tristan’s death, which R. sings with an indescribable emotion that deeply moves us.

Revised English translation by Jo Cousins.

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