Wednesday, December 30 (30th of December 1874)

Cosima Wagner Diaries

The big girls on the ice, first injuries to Lusch’s pride, the little ones playing with their toys, I at my writing desk! … In the afternoon Lusch writes to her father. In the evening our four musicians; R. reads them his letter to the conductor Klughardt [1], which is a model of sympathetic openness. — 

Ice Skating in the Court Garden

Source: Historisches Museum Bayreuth

A very nice letter from Richter with a photograph of his fiancee, which gives R. an opportunity to state his theory on marriage—the man should be 40, the woman 20 years old. — We go through a Haydn symphony with very great enjoyment.

[[1] August Klughardt (1847-1902), conductor, from 1873 at the court theater in Neustrelitz.

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